
The other morning as I was finishing up getting my 4-year-old daughter ready for preschool, I cupped her little face in my hands and said, "You are beautiful."  To which she replied, "Thank you, Mama."  Then I asked, "Do you know what makes you beautiful?" She said No and I replied, "It's your heart and... Continue Reading →

Dear Me,

This is a letter to the Me 10 years ago...to my 22 year old self. Dear Me, You've just come off of an extremely hard year.  You've experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.  At the beginning of your senior year of college, you lost a dear classmate and friend and then... Continue Reading →

If not you, then who?

Last night during IF: Continued at church, the question was asked, "What are we doing about the things taking place on our watch, the injustices of our day?"  Just a few that popped in my head immediately were human trafficking, racism, domestic violence, etc.  When we make that change from being just a "fan" of... Continue Reading →

The Best YES!

Nine years ago on this exact day, I said the best YES!  I said "yes" to spending the rest of my life with Nicholas Charles.  It was quite the epic proposal and a day that will forever be etched onto my heart and in my mind.  Nick is quite the prankster and was able to... Continue Reading →

The Deep Waters

This morning as I was getting the kids ready and going about our daily morning rituals, I received a text that nearly brought me to my knees.  Not because the text contained bad news, quite the opposite. I showed the text to my husband and it did the same to him; we were both overcome... Continue Reading →

New and Good

My husband always comes up with the best questions to ask, especially in a group setting as sort of an ice breaker to get conversation started.  Last night during our small group time, he wanted each person to answer the question, "What is something NEW, that is also GOOD in your life?"  At first I had... Continue Reading →

Do you know what makes YOU uniquely YOU?

The big buzz lately has been figuring out your personality type by using tests such as the Enneagram, StrengthsFinder, Myers-Briggs, etc.  I've long been familiar with StrengthsFinder, but have never taken the time to do any of the others.  Well, that all changed this morning.  My husband was gone all this past week for training... Continue Reading →

Steal Away Home – Book Review

I first heard of Steal Away Home from Jamie Ivey whose podcast I listen to on a regular basis.  Her husband, Aaron Ivey, coauthored this book and she mentioned it often about how he was writing a book and how excited she was for it to be released.  Fast forward to the release date in... Continue Reading →

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